Tiina Huttunen

Nurmijärvi (1976)
Henkilökuva ITE-taiteilija Tiina Huttusesta

Stone painter

Tiina Huttunen is a self-taught artist. At the heart of Huttunen’s art are the stones and their individual form, on the basis of which the art is created. He paints the stones using acrylic paints and markers. For Tiina, painting serves as a relaxing and inspiring counterbalance to office work. Huttunen paints rocks above all for his own pleasure, but he has held his own small art exhibition in the doorway of his home, bringing joy to passers-by.

The stories of the stones come alive

Tiina Huttunen says that before 2018, her painting experiences were mostly limited to painting the exterior walls of the house. His artistic side emerged for the first time only in that year, when a frisbee golf course was established in his home village. The course was located on old sand pits, on the sides of which you could find big stones. One day, someone jokingly suggested that an “orc” could fit in one of the fairways, under a tree trunk, to greet Frisbee throwers. Huttunen was immediately excited by the idea and promised to find a stone as large as possible on which to paint the figure. This is how the first work “HeVit heitot” was born. Since then, the works have been more widely exhibited at the frisbee golf course.

In the beginning, the pictures drawn on the stones were very simple, but gradually he became inspired to make smaller and more detailed works. According to Tiina, she spins the stones in her hands for a long time and sees what they show. Sometimes the stone tells him immediately after finding what it represents, and sometimes it takes shape only with time. However, every stone lifted from the ground has a figure that strives to emerge. The subjects of the works vary widely, and among them you can find such popular fairy-tale characters as Moomin, Barbapapa, animal figures and objects. Tiina is always looking for stones that have a story to tell as a starting point for her works. Friends and villagers have started bringing stones of special shapes to Tiina, and her garage, yard storage, and corners of her home have been filled with differently shaped stones over the years. @kivimaalari

The works of the exhibition

"The works for the exhibition will be published at the beginning of June"

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