Romurinsessa - Marjut Kauppinen
Lapinlahti (1973)
Art from recycled materials
Lapinlahti-based Marjut Kauppinen finds inspiration for her exhilarating art from discarded objects and broken things ‒ hence the apt name of Romurinsessa, “Junk Princess”. ITE art is a holistic way of life for Kauppinen, strongly linked to the idea of recycling, DIY and self-sufficiency.
Romurinsessa is not just an artist, but has dedicated herself to the idea of recycling and created her own art environment, which fills her yard with joy of life and creativity. Kauppinen received the biggest recognition for her work in 2022, when the Maaseudu Sivistysliitto chose her as the ITE artist of the year 2022.
Inspiration comes from discarded, broken objects
Kauppinen’s handicraft skills date back to her childhood home, where her parents made handicrafts and sculptures. The skills have been passed down from one generation to the next. As an ITE environmental artist, she relies on the idea that “even the broken can be made whole again”. Not only flea markets are a great source of material, but also her fans donate items that would otherwise go to waste. The discarded treasures at flea markets immediately set Marjut’s imagination running: what could I make out of that object? Nowadays, metal scrap and different types of materials are given a new life in the hands of Junk Princess.
When the artist needs a welder to make her most daring ideas come to life, Kauppinen’s husband is there for help. He is no longer surprised by even the strangest ideas and the two actually enjoy working together. Their artwork exudes joy of creativeness and inventiveness.
The art of Marjut Kauppinen is made in Onnela
The kingdom of Junk Princess is Onnela, which translates to Happy Place, and is located in the village of Korpijärvi in Lapinlahti. Her artwork fills the entire yard. The courtyard and outbuildings are bursting with a variety of art made from recycled materials, acrylic paintings and mosaic art. The artist family and domestic animals live in joyous harmony with the ITE art exhibition in Onnela’s courtyard.