ITE artist Pia Jokinen creates art from natural materials that delights and amuses and above all promotes sustainable development. In her works, Pia uses twigs from fallen trees as well as blueberry sprigs, moss, lichen, etc. Pia also organizes courses in her garden, where works are made from tree branches. Pia’s main job is conjuring up delicacies as an entrepreneur in her Leivonsulle home bakery in Nurmijärvi’s Palojoki.
Pia Jokinen wants to use materials found in nature, because she feels that “the world is drowning in garbage”.
Pia has been collecting natural materials and creating unique works for a long time. The works, which he calls “orcs”, have in his hands a nature-friendly life and a soulful personal expression from the materials that nature offers. And in time, the orcs will gently return to the cycle of nature. Pia believes that the material found in nature brings authenticity to the works, which a world drowning in garbage needs.
Soon, the works combine jaggedness and sensitivity into a love of fringes.
A frequently recurring element in the works is the heart, which has been an important symbol for Pia Jokinen since her school days. He says that already in his school years, the “i” in the word Pia took shape as a heart. This symbol embodies warmth and love.