Jussi Ruusulampi

Helsinki (1976)

Art from used material

Jussi Ruusulampi is a craftsman from Helsinki. Through his work, he has become familiar with metalwork, the work of an interior decor fitter and stage manager, as well as various construction-related installation services. Ruusulampi has also designed and realized various objects and furniture. According to Ruusulammi, he has always been interested in art, but he did not start making his own sculptures until 2020. Covid-19 was chosen as the subject of the first work, and it was created from old blind parts and other used materials.

"The works seem to create themselves"

Jussi Ruusulampi feels that art works for him as the opposite of daily work, where engineering-like planning and the optimal functionality of structures is at the center. In making art, Ruusulampi likes the fact that the end result is not known in advance, and creative work is more about what the final piece will be. There are infinite possible development paths and each of them is always a leap into the unknown.

Although Jussi does not feel that his art is environmentally friendly, he strives to utilize ready-made used materials. There are endless free materials that can be used, such as a milk can, an aerosol bottle, etc. Often the object already has its own funny shape, which leads the shape of the work in a certain direction.

Ruusulampi usually does not plan his works in advance or think carefully about what he wants to convey with them. The most important thing for him is the surface level, i.e. aesthetics. Deeper levels and meanings are also important, but they arise during the process and some only after the work is finished. The stories of the works develop guided by aesthetic factors and the work progresses under the conditions of the available material, utilizing ready-made forms. Especially at the beginning, chance has a great importance for the final result. Ruusulampi combines different elements without thinking too much and allows the moment to guide the work. He evaluates the work and directs where it leads. Little by little the view clears up and he sees where his mind is going. According to Ruusulammi, however, the process lives on until the end and the works seem to create themselves.

Jussi Ruusulampi rälläköi peltiä

The works of the exhibition


The work reflects the perception of the spirit of this time. A strange dinosaur-like figure tears itself to pieces in a carnivalesque atmosphere. The dinosaurs were probably killed by a meteorite impact, this one takes care of its own destruction.

The main material of the piece is scrap metal. The frame is assembled by welding and the shell by screwing. Due to the design, urethane and fiberglass have been used in the head and in a few places. Spray paint on the surface. Work hours to complete the work were estimated to be around 100 hours.

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